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Trouble in Pattern Paradise

Trouble in Pattern Paradise

Dear Creator,

You´ve probably gotten to the part where you´re about to copy your pattern from the pattern sheet. Awesome!…? …. Or are you possibly irritated? Maybe sweating like a full-grown man? Starting to feel a need to throw something real hard out the window?

Girl, these are normal feelings. And I really, really, completely understand you! My own patience can be just as bad sometimes as a three-year-old wanting ice cream, ok?

But Hey! – Why give up now, when you´ve come this far? I know that pattern sheets can be perceived as messy and that it can feel pretty insane with all the lines—but despair not!

You can do this!

If you´re anything like me, you just need someone to believe a little in you until you´re ready to start believing in yourself. And if you´re a beginner, you will train your “pattern eyes” the more you do this – I promise!

All you need is a little confidence, it takes a few times, but it gets easier the more you do it. Just like kissing:)

So here´s the deal: breathe calmly, put on a REALLY good song and whisper quietly to yourself:

“I love to sew, I love to sew, the pattern sheet is my best friend, my best friend, my best friend!”

Just think of it as making luv´ to your pattern sheet like Barry White sings a love song.

To make it a little easier, you can search for each piece of the pattern, by looking at the miniature overview for all the pieces. Most patterns have them. (In my second book you´ll find them on page 104, and for my first book they are here on my site.)

So let´s get to it:

First, you will need:

  • The pattern sheet
  • Thin, see-through tracing paper
  • A soft pencil
  • An overview of the pattern pieces.
  • Pins
  • A pair of scissors

And here´s an Easy guide to how to draw your pattern:

  1. Place the pattern sheet on a flat surface. The floor is just as good though, if the table isn´t large enough. Make sure you have good light.
  2. Pin the paper to the pattern sheet so it doesn´t slide.
  3. If you´re copying a pattern from a pattern sheet filled with many garments, the lines of each garment are often made differently to make them easier to find. In my books I´ve used different colors for each and every garment.
  4. Use the the overview of the pattern parts to see what parts you should be looking for. Once you find the part, locate your size and follow the lines of that size with the pencil.
  5. Using thin tracing paper makes it easier to see the lines.
  6. You can double-check the number of marks when you’re done so you know you’ve gotten them all transferred to your paper before you remove the pins.
  7. Write some sort of reference on each part so you know what it´s for. It can get a little confusing otherwise.
  8. Remember to add seam allowance on the fabric when you´re about to cut out your garment:) Common mistake when your patience is long gone!!!

That’s it! It’s not harder than that. Just take one step at a time. No rush. Breathe, laugh, scream, curse, spit – it´s all allowed!

But remember to always, ALWAYS give yourself some luvin´ for taking the time to create. Because that is You investing in You.

Outcome = Not important.

Being proud of your self = Very important.



Following the flow»

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